Singgemeinschaft Marktleuthen
We are a mixed chorus with about 35 singers and sing folk-songs, madrigals, sacred music and melodies from operas, operettas and musicals.

Sample in mp3-format:
Auf der Straße nach Dijon (Part 640 kB)
Auf der Straße nach Dijon (3,8 MB)
Zum Tanze da geht ein Mädel (Part 286 kB)
Zum Tanze da geht ein Mädel (1,5 MB)

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Singgemeinschaft Marktleuthen
We cultivate international connections. Our concert trips leaded us to

  • Northern Spain (Astillero, Santander),
  • Hungary (Herend, the twin-town of Marktleuthen),
  • Rome,
  • South Tyrol (Bruneck) and
  • Czech Republic.
This picture shows us in 1997 in the church "Sant Ignazio" in Rome together with the Spanish chorus "Asociation Cultural Astillero-Guarnizo".
St. Ignatius in Rome
Two times we took part in the "Luisenburg-Festivals" in Wunsiedel:

  • 1988 "Besuch der alten Dame" von Friedrich Duerrenmatt
  • 1991 "Andorra" von Max Frisch
Singgemeinschaft at the Luisenburg Festivals

 History of the chorus
and its predecessors
in Marktleuthen

(Only in German language upto now)
Singgemeinschaft Marktleuthen 1972

Head and contact person: Gerhard Rogler, Marktplatz 11, 95168 Marktleuthen, Phone: 0049 92851636